
Iran and Hezbollah

The final hour of this historical moment is approaching in this international tournament of chess game between the ancient masters of chess and the new prince in the hood. infrared ink

Iran is the ancient master of this game where as the new prince is none else than the United States.

Will the United States of America be able to execute the last move and check mate on Iran chess board once and for all in this day and age of tribulation!

iran2.jpgWill the ancient master succeed to out maneuver the new prince once more, this is yet to be seen, but what is historically recognized as a fact is that Briton was a better opponent in this game especially with Persia…

The last move I am referring to in here obviously is Hezbollah and certainly not Syria. As a matter of fact, Iran has no trust in the Syrian regime due to several known facts; first is Syria was and still is a broker interested in competitively playing a pivotal role in the Middle East game for a higher payoff, Syria managed to fool itself and others that it is small country with super power foreign ministry due to its previous occupation of Lebanon and stretched out manipulation of the Palestinian frictions between its warring and disputing factions. Then there is the other fact which is just as common that is Hezbollah, Hezbollah is an inseparable entity of the Shiite republic of Iran sharing in common creed and belief and divine vision and that makes it the most advanced out post for Iran in its conflict and probable future confrontation with any western power and Israel… marked poker

Syria will lose this game because the Syrians are simply playing poker on a chess board, in chess there is no room for a miscalculated gambling, that would only lead to check mate and that is what will eventually happen with Syria.

Iran on the other hand is very successful in playing this chess game and will continue to do so, since a check mate move is not possible in this current standoff situation which left Israel, United States and its allies in a very unenviable confusion.

Iran is as patient in weaving Persian rugs as playing off a last game of chess…

Infact, there has never been any such confusion in taking a decision to strike any of Israel's enemies since the day of its formation, and this is rather unprecedented in modern history.

